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Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce sharing how to take advantage of iRobotCAM to simply virtual production line design and commissioning

Abstract: In response to the development trend of digital factories, as a representative of higher vocational colleges, Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce fully combines information technology and uses the robot programming software iRobotCAM to realize the design and virtual debugging of the production line, establish a small robot automated production line, realize full automation of loading and unloading, and further improve students’ ability such as engineering capabilities in production line design and debugging.

As the basis for manufacturing automation, the popularization trend of digital factories is becoming increasingly mature, both from the perspective of technological development and the needs of industrial development. In particular, robot application scenarios are being conquered one by one, and industrial The two-way development of robots and humanoid robots will make the popularization and application of digital factories in the future no longer a virtual world in science fiction movies.

As a representative of higher vocational colleges, Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce has long-term considerations in the design and automation of virtual factories. How can the vocational skills of the college be fully integrated in theory and practice, so that students can fully integrate them in the learning stage? You can fully master production line design, robot automated processing and other scenario applications, and master the design and application capabilities of virtual factories. What are the digital requirements for production line design and virtual debugging?

  1. Can the equipment of small production lines use existing equipment to fully save costs?
  2. Can the design of the production line be completed to achieve flexible changes, fully satisfying the students of the college to combine learning knowledge with practical design?
  3. Whether the visualization system is complete, it can easily realize the control system and effect display, and meet the students’ learning needs from shallow to deep.
  4. Is the scalability of the robot application sufficient to meet the needs of future scalable robot application scenarios?

For Yueqing Technology’s robot offline programming software iRobotCAM, the need for scalability is fully considered at the architectural level. It can connect to CAD three-dimensional data and expand the process requirements of the robot. Based on the kinematic principles of the robot, it can be digitalized The factory has obvious advantages in terms of production line design and virtual debugging.

  1. Integrated solution: Meets robot production line design, offline programming, and virtual debugging.
  2. Reliable physics engine: equipped with joint debugging between virtual debugging and actual workstations to realize real digital twin applications
  3. Open process architecture: convenient process integration module, which can quickly integrate customized process modules

With iRobotCAM, in addition to using the rich robot library embedded inside, you can also easily add customized robots and joint designs, positioners, PLC controllers, etc., making full use of existing robots, machine tools and other related digital equipment. While realizing flexible production line design, virtual debugging can be easily realized。

After the overall demand design by relevant experts from Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce, Yueqing Technology combined the technical advantages of its robot offline programming software iRobotCAM based on the CAD platform to carry out the production line design and virtual debugging of the small production line. The design realizes the design of robot loading and unloading automation, which further satisfies students’ application of knowledge in the field of digital factories.

About Yueqing Technology :

Yueqing Technology is committed to building an open iRobotCAM robot offline programming platform, which is a digital solution integrating electromechanical conceptual design of production lines, robot processing programming simulation, and virtual debugging.

About Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce

Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce is a full-time general higher vocational college directly under the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government. It is a high-level vocational school with Chinese characteristics and a professional construction plan construction unit, a model higher vocational college in Guangdong Province, and a first-class higher vocational school in Guangdong Province. The construction unit of the college (one of 18) and the Safe and Civilized Campus of Guangdong Province is a national modern apprenticeship pilot unit, the first batch of 1+X certificate system pilot colleges in the country, a national model vocational education group unit, and a model vocational school in Guangdong Province. Education group unit, national conservation-oriented public institution demonstration unit, national vocational college digital campus construction experimental school, national higher vocational college sports work results and “one school, one product” sports work demonstration base, selected as “Asia-Pacific Vocational College Influence” “Top 50”, was selected as one of the 13 colleges and universities (one of 13) of the Ministry of Education’s vocational education going abroad pilot project, and was preparing to establish the China-Zambia Vocational and Technical College Industry and Trade Branch.